Oral History
Research Team
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Hidden Histories
Oral History
Research Team
Oral History
The influence of algorithmic thinking: Judy Malloy and Julianne Nyhan
Individuation is there in all the different strata: John Burrows, Hugh Craig and Willard McCarty
The University was still taking account of the meaning of universitas scientiarum: Wilhelm Ott and Julianne Nyhan
I would think of myself as sitting inside the computer: Mary Dee Harris and Julianne Nyhan
Moderate expectations, tolerable disappointments
It's probably the only modestly widely used system with a command language in Latin
They took a chance: Susan Hockey and Julianne Nyhan
It's a little mind-boggling: Helen Agüera and Julianne Nyhan
There had to be a better way: John Nitti and Julianne Nyhan
I mourned the University for a long time: Michael Sperberg-McQueen and Julianne Nyhan
Getting computers into Humanists' thinking: John Bradley and Julianne Nyhan
So, into the chopper it went: Gabriel Egan and Julianne Nyhan
I heard about the arrival of the computer: Hans Rutimann and Julianne Nyhan
Trading Stories: an Oral History Conversation between Geoffrey Rockwell and Julianne Nyhan
Questioning, Asking and Enduring Curiosity: an Oral History Conversation between Julianne Nyhan and Willard McCarty
Collaboration Must Be Fundamental or It's Not Going to Work: an Oral History Conversation between Harold Short and Julianne Nyhan
Postmodern Culture and More: an Oral History Conversation between John Unsworth and Anne Welsh
Video-gaming, Paradise Lost and TCP/IP: an Oral History Conversation between Ray Siemens and Anne Welsh
hic Rhodus, hic salta: Tito Orlandi and Julianne Nyhan
Philip Barras
Marco Passarotti
Lorna Hughes
John Dawson
John B. Smith
Giuseppina Brogioli
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